תמונת רקע
חברי הסגל >> פרופ' סיגל סדצקי

פרופ' סיגל סדצקי


ראש חוג לתואר שני בניהול מערכות בריאות M.H.A


פרופ' סיגל סדצקי (MD, MPH) היא רופאה מומחית בבריאות הציבור ואפידמיולוגיה ופרופסור מן המניין בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת תל-אביב. לפרופ' סדצקי ניסיון לאומי ובינלאומי עשיר במחקר בתחום הרפואה, בניהול במערכת הבריאות ובקביעת מדיניות בריאות.
בתפקידה הציבורי האחרון שימשה כראש שירותי בריאות הציבור במשרד הבריאות ובמסגרת תפקידה זה, לקחה חלק מרכזי בניהול מגפת הקורונה בישראל.
כראש השירות, הייתה אחראית על קביעת מדיניות משרד הבריאות בישראל וניהול פעילותו במגוון תחומים לרבות: הפעלת תכניות לאומיות לקידום בריאות, תכניות למניעה ראשונית ושניונית של תחלואה, חיסונים, קביעת מדיניות והפעלת תחנות טיפת חלב, בריאות סביבתית אבטחת ובטיחות מזון, תזונה וגנטיקה קהילתית. פעילות זו מבוססת על עקרונות יסוד בבריאות הציבור הכוללים פיתוח קיימות, הפעלת עקרון "בריאות אחת" (One Health), צמצום אי שוויון והגנה על אוכלוסיות חלשות.
במהלך 2018-19 הייתה מושאלת למטה ארגון הבריאות העולמי באירופה (World Health Emergency) בקופנהגן שם עסקה בקביעת אסטרטגיות לבניית מוכנות (preparedness & readiness), לאיתור, וניהול של מצבי חירום ביולוגיים, כימיים וגרעיניים (BCRN) ובהכנת 53 מדינות אירופה להתמודדות עם משברים בריאותיים.
בין השנים 2000-2018 ניהלה את היחידה לסרטן וקרינה במכון גרטנר בשיב"א. במקביל, שימשה כסגל בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת תל אביב. במהלך שנים אלו, עסקה פרופ' סדצקי באופן שוטף בהוראה והדרכת תלמידים בכל הרמות האקדמיות.
לפרופ' סדצקי ,ניסיון של למעלה מ-25 שנה בייזום והובלת מחקרים אפידמיולוגיים ברמה הלאומית ובשיתופי פעולה בפרויקטים בינלאומיים. במהלך השנים, זכתה ב- 37 מענקי מחקר (בסכום כולל של מימון חיצוני במהלך השנים 2000-2018 של 33 מיליון₪). מענקים אלה התקבלו על ידי מוסדות מובילים בארה"ב כגון: ה-NIH, , Komen Breast Cancer Foundation , צבא ארה"ב והקרן הלאומית לגידולי מוח (NBTF) וכן מוסדות יוקרה באירופה כגון: הנציבות האירופית, האיחוד הבינלאומי לחקר הסרטן ((IARC, ו- Cancer Research UK.
תוצאות מחקרים אלו, המתמקדים בעיקר באפידמיולוגיה של סרטן ובהשפעות מאוחרות של קרינה מייננת ובלתי מייננת, פורסמו בלמעלה מ- 170 מאמרים וכן בפרקים ובספרים מדעיים. תוצאות המחקרים יושמו באמצעות חקיקה (לדוגמא חוק הגזזת התשנ"ד), הנחיות, וחוזרי מנכ"ל.


1989- M.D-  בי"ס לרפואה טכניון, ישראל
1994- M.P.H - בי"ס לבריאות הציבור, האוניברסיטה העברית ירושלים



1991- Prize for outstanding work, M.D. Thesis "Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) Test in Chronic Anovulatory Patients (PCO-Polycystic Ovaries) and in Controls as Compared to Synacthen (ACTH) Test"
1992-  Prize of the Eliezer Kessel Fund for outstanding student, MPH studies
1995 -  Prize for outstanding research work, MPH: "Characteristics and risk factors for the deaths of infants with Down Syndrome in the Jewish population in Israel during the 80's"‏‏
1999 - The Bracha Ramot prize for outstanding researcher; Israel Cancer Association: "Interaction between ionizing radiation and other environmental and genetic risk factors in the development of meningioma"
2012 - Honorable Mention at NIOSH’s [The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] annual Alice Hamilton Awards in Exposure and Risk Assessment Category for Excellence in Occupational Safety and Health: "Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries. Occup Environ Med 2011; 68: 631-640"
2017 - Outstanding Teaching Award for 2015-2016. Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
2021 - Certificate of Appreciation from the Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Health for contribution to the fight against the Corona Virus. Jerusalem Theatre, Israel

מינויים מקצועיים וועדות (רשימה חלקית):
במהלך השנים תרמה פרופ' סדצקי לקביעת מדיניות בתחומי התמחותה בנושאים שונים וביניהם כינה ומכהנת (בהווה ובעבר) בוועדות שונות (קבועות וכאלו שנקבעו אד הוק):

• חברה במועצה הלאומית למניעה, אבחון וטיפול במחלות ממאירות (משרד הבריאות)
• חברה במועצה הלאומית לדימות
• חוקרת לאומית למחקרי הגזזת (בהתאם לחוק הגזזת, תשנ"ד)
• חברה בוועדת המומחים בהתאם לחוק לנפגעי גזזת
• ראש מרכז תנודע (מרכז הידע להשפעות בריאותיות של קרינה בלתי מייננת)
• חברה במועצה הלאומית לבריאות (מינוי רוה"מ)
קרינה בלתי מייננת:
• נציגת משרד הבריאות לוועדה הבינלאומית (בחסות ארגון הבריאות העולמי), לפרויקט הקרינה האלקטרומגנטית (ה- EMF project)
• וועדות שונות לקביעת הנחיות בחשיפה לקרינה בלתי מייננת בישראל (נציגת משרד הבריאות)
• נציגת משרד הבריאות בצוות הבין-משרדי בריכוז משרד החינוך לקביעת מדיניות שימוש בתקשורת אלחוטית בבתי ספר בהטמעת תכנית התקשוב הלאומית
קרינה מייננת:
• וועדה להתווית הנחיות לביצוע דימות בילודים וילדים בישראל
• וועדה בצוות מומחים לקביעת הנחיות לשימוש במיטות שיזוף בישראל
• חברה בוועדה להשפעות ההשפעות הבריאותיות והסביבתיות של השימוש באפר פחם (משרד המדע והמשרד להגנ"ס)
נושא בריאות וסביבה ובריאות אחת (One Health )
• יועצת מומחית לארגון הבריאות העולמי בתחום בריאות אחת (Member of the international WHO European One Health Technical Advisory (TAG) Group Copenhagen, Denmark)
קביעת מדיניות בתחום הסרטן בישראל:
• חברה בצוות ההיגוי של מחקר להערכת היתכנות גילוי מוקדם של סרטן ריאות בישראל ע"י שימוש ב- CT במינון נמוך
• חברה בוועדה לבדיקת קיום קשר סיבתי בין היות אדם ניצול שואה לבין התפתחות תחלואה ספציפית (סרטן, סכרת, יל"ד ומחלות קרדיו-וסקולאריות) (משרד האוצר) (2008)
• חברה בוועדה להערכת עודף תחלואה בסרטן בקרב חיילי ב"ח נח"ל
• וועדה לקביעת הנחיות לביצוע סיקור לסרטן צוואר הרחם (Pap Smear)
• וועדה להמלצות בנוגע לסיקור וגילוי מוקדם של סרטן המעי הגס
• וועדה לתווית המלצות לגיל התחלת ביצוע סיקור לסרטן השד
• יו"ר הוועדה להמלצות על אסטרטגיית הגילוי המוקדם של סרטן בישראל לשנת 2032 (במסגרת המועצה הלאומית למחלות ממארות).
וועדות מדעיות:
• הוועדה המקצועית לגיבוש תנאי סף לתכנית הלימודים לרפואה בישראל (הוועדה לתכנון ותקצוב, המועצה להשכלה גבוהה)
• יו"ר הוועדה המדעית להערכת המחקרים האפידמיולוגיים להערכת המצב הבריאותי של תושבי מפרץ חיפה (מינוי משרד הבריאות והמשרד להגנ"ס)
• נשיאה אירופאית של הקונסורציום לאפידמיולוגיה של גידולי מח:
(BTEC Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium )
• חברה בצוות ההיגוי לפיקוח על סקר אפידמיולוגי להערכת ההשפעות הבריאותיות באתר הפסולת נאות חובב
• חברה בחבר המנהלים בוועדה האפידמיולוגית ובוועדה לניתוח נתונים של המחקר הבינלאומי להערכת הסיכון להתפתחות גידולי מח כתוצאה מחשיפה לשדות אלקטרומגנטיים לילדים ונוער (MOBIKIDS ) CREAL, Barcelona, Spain
• ועדת מחקר של קבוצת בחוקרים למחקרים אפידמיולוגים לאטיולוגיה של מחלות סרטן בנשים (אוקספורד, בריטניה)
• חברה בוועדה המייעצת במחקר: "Dark Risk" – a multinational study establishing a Serbian Tinea Capitis cohort and identifying biomaterials to quantify individual sensitivity to low doses of ionizing radiation, focusing on the non-translated parts of the DNA (מימון האיחוד האירופי)

פרסומים נבחרים

Articles published
1. Farine D, Fox HE, Jackobson S, Timor-Tritsch IE. Vaginal ultrasound for diagnosis of placenta previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988; 159: 566-569.
2. Farine D, Fox HE, Jackobson S, Timor-Tritsch IE. Is it really a placenta previa. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Rep Biol 1989; 6: 103-108.
3. Modan B, Shpilberg O, Baruch Y, Sikuler E, Anis E, Ashur Y, Chetrit A, Luxenburg O, Rosenberg E, Rosenthol N, Sadetzki S, Benaim H, Eckstein H, Shouval D. The need for liver transplantation: a nationwide estimate based on consensus review. Lancet 1995; 346: 660-662.
4. Blumenfeld Z, Shen-Orr Z, Har'el H, Jackobson-Sadetzki S, Ruach M, Ish-Shalom S, Zinder O. Corticotropin-Releasing factor and adrenocorticotropin tests in chronic anovulatory women: Polycystic ovary syndrome, late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and acanthosis nigricans. Israel J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 8: 158-168.
5. Sadetzki S, Modan B. A new look at Down Syndrome. Harefuah 1998; 134: 944-945.
6. Cardis E. Kilkenny M. for the International Study Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer. International case-control study of adult brain, head and neck tumours: results of the feasibility study. Radiat Prot Dosim 1999; 83: 179-183.
7. Sadetzki S, Modan B. Epidemiology as a basis for legislation. How far should epidemiology go? Lancet 1999; 353: 2238-2239.
8. Menczer J, Sadetzki S, Murad H, Barda G, Andreev H, Barchana M. Childhood and adolescent ovarian malignant tumors in Israel. A nationwide study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1999; 78: 813-817.
9. Sadetzki S, Rostmi N, Modan B. Hepatitis A outbreak originating in a day-care center. A community case report. Eur J Epidemiol 1999; 15: 549-551.
10. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Akstein E, Luxenburg O, Keinan L, Litvak I, Modan B. Risk factors for infant mortality in Down Syndrome. A nationwide study. Peadiatr Perinat Epidemiol 1999; 13: 442-451.
11. Orgad Sh, Loewenthal R, Gaziit E, Sadetzki S, Novikov I, Carp H. The prognostic value of anti-paternal antibodies and leukocyte immunizations on the proportion of live birth in couples with consecutive recurrent miscarriages. Hum Reprod 1999; 14: 2974-9.
12. Sadetzki S, Modan B, Chetrit A. Freedman L. An iatrogenic epidemic of benign meningioma. Am J Epidemiol 2000; 151: 266-272.
13. Geyer O, Neudorfer M, Michaeli-Cohen A, Lazar M, Sadetzki S, Modan B. Radiation induced Chandler's Syndrome. IMAJ 2000; 2: 241-242.
14. odan B, Keinan L, Blumstein T, Sadetzki S. Cancer following cardiac catheterization in childhood. Int J Epidemiol 2000; 29: 424-428.
15. Kershenbaum A, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Fuchs Z, Bott-Kanner G, Rosenfeld J, Modan B. A new approach to blood pressure measurement in the primary care setting. Br J Gen Pract 2000; 50: 725-726.
16. Azizi E, Flint P, Sadetzki S, Solomon A, Lerman Y, Harari G, Pavlotsky F, Kushelevsky A, Glesinger R, Shani E, Rosenberg L. A graded work site intervention program for prevention of skin cancer in outdoor workers in Israel - a longitudinal feasibility study. Cancer Causes Control 2000; 11: 513-521.
17. Sadetzki S, Bensal D, Blumstein T, Novikov I, Modan B. Selected risk factors for transitional cell bladder cancer. Med Oncol 2000; 17: 179-182.
18. Kenet G, Sadetzki S, Murad H, Martinowitz U, Rosenberg N, Gitel S, Rechavi G, Inbal A. Factor V Leiden & Antiphospholipid antibodies are significant risk factors for ischemic stroke in children. Stroke 2000; 31: 1283-1288.
19. Sadetzki S, Modan B. Cellular phones prosperity or carcinogenesis. Harefuah 2000; 139: 360-362.
20. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Akstein E, Keinan L, Luxenburg O, Modan B. Relinquishment of infants with Down Syndrome in Israel: Trends by time. Am J Ment Retard 2000; 105: 480-485.
21. Elkayam A, Mirelman D, Peleg E, Wilchek M, Miron T, Rabinkov A, Sadetzki S, Rosenthal T. The effects of allicin and enalapril on blood pressure, insulin and triglycerides levels in fructose-induced hyperinsulinemic-hyperlipidemic-hypertensive rats. AJH 2001; 14: 377-381.
22. Keinan L, Blumstein T, Sadetzki S, Luxenburg O, Litwak I, Akstein E, Modan B. Incidence of leukemia and other cancers in Down Syndrome population in Israel. Int J Cancer 2001; 93: 741-744.
23. Schwartz E, Potasman I, Sadetzki S, Almog S, Rotenberg S. Serious adverse effects of mefloquine in relation to blood level and gender. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2001; 65: 189-192.
24. Schwartz E, Sadetzki S, Murad H, Raveh D. Age as a risk factor for severe plasmodium falciparum malaria in non-immune patients. Clin Infect Dis 2001; 33: 1774-1777.
25. Figer A, Shtoyerman-Chen R, Tamir A, Geva R, Irmin L, Flex D, Theodor L, Sulkes A, Sadetzki S, Bar-Meir S and Friedman E. Phenotypic characteristics of colo-rectal cancer in I1307K APC germline mutation carriers compared with sporadic cases. Br J Cancer 2001; 85: 1368-1371.
26. Juven Y, Sadetzki S. A possible association between ionizing radiation and pituitary adenoma – a descriptive study. Cancer 2002; 95: 397-403.
27. Sadetzki S, Flint-Richter P, Ben-Tal T, Nass D. Radiation-induced meningioma – a descriptive study of 253 cases. J Neurosurg 2002; 97: 1078-1082.
28. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Barda G, Lubin F, Fishler J, Altaras M, Levavi H, Struewing JP, Sadetzki S, Modan B. Frequency of BRCA mutations in primary peritoneal carcinoma in Israeli Jewish women. Gynecol Oncol 2003; 88: 58-61.
29. Sadetzki S, Calderon-Margalit R, Peretz C, Novikov I, Barchana M, Papa MZ. Second primary breast and thyroid cancers. Cancer Causes Control 2003; 14: 367-375.
30. Murad H, Lavon A, Sadetzki S, Geyer O, Freedman LS. Small samples and ordered logistic regression: does it help to collapse categories of outcome? Am Stat 2003; 57: 155-160.
31. Refaely Y, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Simansky DA, Paley M, Modan B, Yellin A. The sequence of vessel interruption during lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer – is it indeed important? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003; 125: 1313-1320.
32. Sadetzki S, Bensal D, Novikov I, Modan B. The limitations of using hospital controls in cancer etiology - one more example for Berkson's bias. Eur J Epidemiol 2003; 18: 1127-1131.
33. Neudorfer M, Sadetzki S, Anisimova S, Geyer O. Nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy with the use of adjunctive mitomycin c. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2004; 35: 6-12.
34. Barda G, Menczer J, Chetrit A, Lubin F, Beck D, Piura B, Glezerman M, Modan B, Sadetzki S. Comparison between primary peritoneal and epithelial ovarian carcinoma. A population based study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190: 1039-1045.
35. Sadetzki S, Calderon-Margalit R, Modan B, Srivastava S, Tuttle RM. Ret/ptc activation in benign and malignant thyroid tumors a rising in a population exposed to low dose external beam irradiation in childhood. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004; 89: 2281-2289.
36. Gal I, Sadetzki S, Gershoni-Baruch R, Oberman B, Carp H, Papa MZ, Diestelman-Menachem T, Barzilai-Eisenberg S, Friedman E. Offspring gender ration and rate of recurrent spontaneous miscarriages in Jewish women at high-risk for breast/ovarian cancer. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 1270-1275.
37. Paz A, Sadetzki S, Potasman I. High rates of substance abuse among long-term travelers to the tropics: an interventional study. J Travel Med 2004; 11: 75-81.
38. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Freedman L, Stovall M, Modan B, Novikov I. Long-term follow-up for brain tumor development following childhood exposure to ionizing radiation for tinea capitis. Radiat Res 2005; 163: 424-432.
39. Sadetzki S, Flint-Richter P, Starinsky S, Novikov I, Lerman Y, Goldman B, Friedman E. Genotyping of patients with sporadic and radiation-associated meningiomas. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005; 14: 969-976.
40. Muallem Kalmovich L, Elad D, Zaretsky U, Adunsky A, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S, Segal S, Wolf M. Endonasal geometry changes in the elderly – acoustic rhinometry measurements. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2005; 60: 396-8.
41. Sadetzki S, Oberman B, Kaufman B, Riezel S, Novikov I, Zippel R, Papa M. Breast conservation after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Ann Surg Oncol 2005; 12: 1-8.
42. Grossman R, Sadetzki S, Spiegelmann R, Ram Z. Hemorrhagic complications and the incidence of asymptomatic bleeding associated with stereotactic brain biopsies. Acta Neurochir 2005; 147: 627–631.
43. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Barda J, Lubin F, Fishman A, Dgani R, Modan B, Sadetzki S. Primary peritoneal carcinoma – uterine involvement and hysterectomy. Gynecol Oncol 2006; 100: 565-9.
44. Wolf I, Sadetzki S, Kanety H, Kundel Y, Pariente C, Epstein N, Oberman B, Catane R, Kaufman B, Shimon I. Adiponectin, ghrelin and leptin in cancer cachexia in breast and colon cancer patients. Cancer 2006; 106:966-973.
45. Vrijheid M, Cardis E, Armstrong BK, Auvinen A, Berg G, Blaasaas KG, Brown J, Carroll M, Chetrit A, Christensedn HC, Deltour I, Feychting M, Giles GG, Hepworth SJ, Hours M, Iavarone I, Johansson C, Klaeboe L, Kurttio P, Lagorio S, Lonn S, McKinney PA, Montestrucq L, Parslow RC, Richardson L, Sadetzki S, Salmiinen T, Schuz J, Tynes T, Woodward A. Validation of short-term recall of mobile phone use for the interphone study. Occup Environ Med 2006; 63: 237-243.
46. Scope A, Sadetzki S, Sidi Y, Barzilai A, Trau H, Kaufman B, Catane R, Ehrenfeld M. Breast cancer and scleroderma. Skinmed 2006; 5: 18-24.
47. Wolf I, Sadetzki S, Gluck I, Oberman B, Ben-David M, Papa MZ, Catane R, Kaufman B. Association between diabetes mellitus and adverse characteristics of breast cancer at presentation. Eur J Cancer 2006; 42: 1077-1082.
48. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S, Golan A, Levy T. Follow-up of ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinoma: The value of physical examination in patients with pretreatment elevated ca125 levels. Gynecol Oncol 2006; 103: 137-140.
49. Symon Z, Kundel J, Sadetzki S, Oberman B, Ramon J, Catane R, Pfeffer R. Radiation rescue for biochemical failure after surgery for prostate cancer: predictive parameters and an assessment of contemporary predictive models. Am J Clin Oncol 2006; 29: 446-450.
50. Lubina A, Cohen O, Barchana M, Liphshiz I, Vered I, Sadetzki S, Karasik A. Time trends of incidence rates of thyroid cancer in Israel – what might explain the sharp increase. Thyroid 2006; 16: 1033-1040.
51. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Lubina A, Stovall M, Novikov I. Risk of thyroid cancer following childhood exposure to ionizing radiation for Tinea Capitis. J Clin Endocrin Metab 2006; 91: 4798-4804.
52. Yellin A, Sadetzki S, Simansky DA, Refaely Y, Chetrit A, Paley M. The sequence of vessel interruption during lobectomy - does it affect the amount of blood retained in the lobe? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007; 31: 711-713.
53. Flint-Richter P, Sadetzki S. Genetic predisposition for the development of radiation associated meningioma: an epidemiological study. Lancet Oncol 2007; 8: 403-410.
Editorial: Eric J Hall. Cancer caused by x-rays—a random event? Lancet Oncol, Vol. 8: 369-370, 2007.
54. Cardis E, Richardson L, Deltour I, Armstrong B, Feychting M, Johanssen C, Kilkenny
M, McKinney P, Modan B, Sadetzki S, Schüz J, Swerdlow A, Vrijheid M, Auvinen A, Berg G, Blettner M, Bowman J, Brown J, Chetrit A, Collatz CH, Cook A, Hepworth S, Giles G, Hours M, Iavarone I, Jarus-Hakak A, Klaeboe L, Krewski D, Lagorio S, Lönn S, Mann S, McBride M, Muir K, Nadon L, Parent ME, Pearce N, Salminen T, Schoemaker M, Schlehofer B, Siemiatycki J, Taki M, Takebayashi T, Tynes T, van Tongeren M, Vecchia P, Wiart J, Woodward A, Yamaguchi N. The INTERPHONE study: design, epidemiological methods, and description of the study population. Eur J Epidemiol. 2007; 22: 647-664.
55. Bader D, Datz H, Juster A, Marks K, Smolkin T, Zangen S, Kugelman A, Hoffmann H,
Shani G, Ben Shlomo A, Margaliot M, Sadetzki S. Unintentional exposure of neonates to ionizing radiation during their stay in the neonatal intensive care units. J Perinatol. 2007; 27: 579-585.
56. Malmer B, Adatto P, Armstrong G, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Bernstein J, Claus E, Davis F, Houlston R, Il'yasova D, Jenkins R, Johansen C, Lai R, Lau C, McCarthy B, Nielsen H, Olson S, Sadetzki S, Shete S, Wiklund F, Wrensch M, Yang P, Bondy M. GLlOGENE – an international consortium to understand familial glioma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007; 16: 1730-1734.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the GLIOGENE Consortium and the PI of the Israeli Group)
57. Kundel Y, Sella A, Kovel S, Symon Z, Oberman B, Sadetzki S, Koller M , Catane R, Pfeffer R. A phase II study of oral UFT and leucovorin concurrently with pelvic irradiation as neoadjuvant chemoradiation for rectal cancer. Anticancer Res 2007; 27: 2877-80.
58. Kundel Y, Yellin A, Popovtzer A, Pfeffer R, Symon Z, Simansky DA, Oberman B, Sadetzki S, Brenner B, Catane R, Levitt M. Adjuvant radiotherapy for thymic epithelial tumor: treatment results and prognostic factors. Am J Clin Oncol 2007; 30: 389-94.
59. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Jarus-Hakak A, Cardis E, Deutch Y, Duvdevani S, Zultan A, Novikov I, Freedman L, Wolf M. Cellular phone use and risk of benign and malignant parotid gland tumors - a nationwide case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 2008; 167: 457-467.
60. Chetrit A, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Ben-David Y, Lubin F, Friedman E, Sadetzki S, for the
National Israeli Study of Ovarian Cancer. Effect of BRCA1/2 mutations on long-term survival of invasive ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 20-25.
Editorial: Noah D. Kauff. Is it time to stratify for BRCA mutation status in therapeutic trials in ovarian cancer? J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 9-10.
61. Collaborative Group in Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer and oral contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of data from 45 epidemiological studies including 23257 women with ovarian cancer and 87303 controls. Lancet 2008; 371: 303-314.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer and a member of the steering committee)
62. Datz H, Ben-Shlomo A, Bader D, Sadetzki S, Juster-Reicher A, Marks K, Smolkin T, Zangen S, Margaliot M. The additional dose to radiosensitive organs caused by using under-collimated x-ray beams in neonatal intensive care radiography. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2008; 130: 518-524.
63. Sadetzki S, Oberman B, Mandelzweig L, Chetrit A, Ben-Tal T, Jarus-Hakak A, Duvdevani S, Cardis E, Wolf M. Smoking and risk of parotid gland tumors - a nationwide case-control study. Cancer 2008; 112: 1974-1982.
64. Davis FG, Malmer BS, Aldape K, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Bondy ML, Brannstrom T, Bruner JM, Burger PC, Collins VP, Inskip PD, Kruchko C, McCarthy BJ, McClendon RE, Sadetzki S, Tihan T, Wrensch MR, Buffler PA. Issues of diagnostic review in brain tumor studies: from the brain tumor epidemiology consortium. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008; 17: 484-489.
65. Papa MZ, Zippel D, Kaufman B, Shimon-Paluch S, Yosepovich A, Oberman B, Sadetzki S. Timing of sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients receiving Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. J Surg Oncol 2008; 98: 403-6.
66. Bondy ML, Scheurer ME, Malmer B, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Davis FG, Il'yasova D, Kruchko C, McCarthy BJ, Rajaraman P, Schwartzbaum JA, Sadetzki S, Schlehofer B, Tihan T, Wiemels JL, Wrensch M, Buffler PA, on behalf of the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium. Brain tumor epidemiology: consensus from the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium. Cancer 2008; 113 (7 suppl): 1953-1968.
67. Sadetzki S, Zach L, Chetrit A, Nass D, Hoffmann C, Ram Z, Zaaroor M, Umansky F, Rappaport ZH, Cohen A, Wald U, Rothman S, Hadani M. Epidemiology of Gliomas in Israel: A Nationwide Study. Neuroepidemiology 2008; 31: 264-269.
68. Kundel Y, Levitt ML, Oberman B, Sadetzki S, Tichler T, Symon Z, Catane R, Pfeffer R, Brenner B. Adjuvant chemotherapy and whole abdominal irradiation for gastric carcinoma. Tumori 2008; 94: 469-473.
69. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S, for the National Israel Ovarian Cancer Group. The effect of symptom duration in epithelial ovarian cancer on prognostic factors. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2009; 279: 797-801.
70. Vrijheid M, Richardson L, Armstrong BK, Auvinen A, Berg G, Carroll M, Chetrit A, Deltour I, Feychting M, Giles GG, Hours M, Iavarone I, Lagorio S, Lönn S, McBride M, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Salminen T, Sanchez M, Schlehofer B, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, Tynes T, Woodward A, Yamaguchi N, Cardis E. Quantifying the impact of selection bias caused by non-participation in a case-control study of mobile phone use. Ann Epidemiol 2009; 19: 33-42.
71. Vrijheid M, Mann S, Vecchia P, Wiart J, Taki M, Ardoino L, Armstrong BK, Auvinen A, Bédard D, Berg-Beckhoff G, Brown J, Chetrit A, Collatz-Christensen H, Combalot E, Cook A, Deltour I, Feychting M, Giles GG, Hepworth SJ, Hours M, Iavarone I, Johansen C, Krewski D, Kurttio P, Lagorio S, Lönn S, McBride M, Montestrucq L, Parslow RC, Sadetzki S, Schüz J, Tynes T, Woodward A, Cardis E. Determinants of mobile phone output power in a multinational study – implications for exposure assessment. Occup Environ Med 2009; 66: 664-671.
72. Efrati S, Sadetzki S, Zaretsky M, Kimiagar I, Rosenblum R, Marchaim D, Berman S, Bar-Haim A, Abu Hamad R, Feigenzon M, Chetrit A, Yassky D, Weissgarten J, Bass A. Carotid atherosclerotic disease following childhood scalp irradiation. Atherosclerosis 2009; 204; 556-560.
73. Perri T, Korach J, Sadetzki S, Oberman B, Fridman E, Ben-Baruch G. Uterine Leiomyosarcoma: Does the Primary Surgical Procedure Matter? Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 19: 257-260.
74. Mandelzweig L, Novikov I, Sadetzki S. Smoking and risk of glioma: a meta-analysis. Cancer Causes Control 2009; 20: 1927-1938.
75. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S, for the National Israel Ovarian Cancer Group. Ovarian carcinoma apparently confined to the ovaries – the accuracy of surgical staging in Israel. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2009; 30: 375-378.
76. Freedman LS, Oberman B, Sadetzki S. Using time-dependent covariate analysis to elucidate the relation of smoking history to Warthin’s tumor risk. Am J Epidemiol 2009, 170: 1178-1185.
77. Menczer J, Barchana M, Chetrit A, Liphshitz I, Sadetzki S. Incidence rates of cervical carcinoma among first and second generation women of North African origin in Israel. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 19: 1606-1609.
78. Robertson LB, Armstrong GN, Olver BD, Lloyd AL, Shete S, Lau C, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Lai R, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Bernstein JL, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Yang P, Rynerason AL, Wrensch M, McCoy L, Wienkce JK, McCarthy B, Davis F, Vick NA, Johansen C, Bødtcher H, Sadetzki S, Bruchim RB, Yechezkel GH, Andersson U, Melin BS, Bondy ML, Houlston RS. Survey of familial glioma and role of germline p16INK4A/p14ARF and p53 mutation. Fam Cancer 2010; 9: 413-421.
79. Cardis E, Deltour I, Vrijheid M, Combalot E, Moissonnier M, Tardy H, Armstrong B, Giles G, Brown J, Siemiatycki J, Parent ME, Nadon L; Krewski D, McBride ML, Johansen C, Collatz Christensen H, Auvinen A, Kurttio P, Lahkola A, Salminen T, Hours M, Bernard M, Montestruq L, Schu¨z J, Berg-Beckhoff G, Schlehofer B, Blettner M, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Jarus-Hakak A, Lagorio S, Iavarone I, Takebayashi T, Yamaguchi N, Woodward A, Cook A, Pearce N, Tynes T, Blaasaas KG, Klaeboe L, Feychting M, Lo¨nn S, Ahlbom A, McKinney PA, Hepworth SJ, Muir KR, Swerdlow AJ, Schoemaker MJ. Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case–control study. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39: 675-94.
Commentary: Rodolfo Saracci and Jonathan Samet. Call me on my mobile phone...or better not?—a look at the INTERPHONE study results. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39: 695-698.
80. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S, The National Israel Ovarian Cancer Group. Uterine metastases in ovarian carcinoma: frequency and survival in women who underwent hysterectomy. J Gynecol Oncol 2010; 21:191-195.
81. Shvarts S, Sevo G, Tasic M, Shani M, Sadetzki S. The Tinea Capitis campaign in Serbia in the 1950s. Lancet Infect Dis 2010; 10: 571-76.
82. Scheurer ME, Etzel CJ, Liu M, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Wiklund F, Tavelin B, Wrensch MR, Melin BS, and Bondy ML for the GLIOGENE Consortium. Familial Aggregation of Glioma: A Pooled Analysis. Am J Epidemiol 2010: 172: 1099-1107.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the GLIOGENE Consortium and the PI of the Israeli Group)
83. Paluch-Shimon S, Wolf I, Sadetzki S, Gluck I, Oberman B, Papa MZ, Catane R, Kaufman B. Association between very young age and adverse characteristics of breast cancer at presentation amongst Israeli women. Am J Clin Oncol 2011; 34: 219-222.
84. Flint-Richter P, Mandelzweig L, Oberman B, Sadetzki S. Possible interaction between ionizing radiation, smoking, and gender in the causation of meningioma. Neuro-Oncol 2011; 13: 345-352.
85. Hosking FJ, Feldman D, Bruchim R, Olver B, Lloyd A, Vijayakrishnan J, Flint-Richter P, Broderick P, Houlston RS, Sadetzki S. Search for inherited susceptibility to radiation associated meningioma by genomewide SNP linkage-disequilibrium mapping. Br J Cancer 2011; 104: 1049-1054.
86. Sagi OI, Sadetzki S. Determining health policy for sensible mobile phone use – current world status. Harefuah 2011; 150: 216-221.
87. Cardis E, Armstrong BK, Bowman JD, Giles GG, Hours M, Krewski D, McBride M, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Woodward A, Brown J, Chetrit A, Figuerola J, Hoffman C, Jarus Hakak A, Montestruq L, Nadon L, Richardson L, Villegas R, Verijheid M. Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries. Occup Environ Med 2011; 68: 631-640. (Received an Honorable Mention at NIOSH’s [The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] annual Alice Hamilton Awards for Excellence in Occupational Safety and Health, 2012).
88. Cardis E, Deltour I, Verijheid M, Evrard AS, Sanchez M, Moissonnier M, Armstrong B, Brown J, Giles G, Siemiatycki J, Nadon L, Parent ME, Krewski D, McBride MM, Johansen C, Christensen HC, Auvinen A, Kurttio P, Lahkola A, Salminen T, Hours M, Bernard M, Montestruq L, Schuz J, Blettner M, Berg-Beckhoff G, Schlehofer B, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Jarus-Hakak J, Lagorio S, Iavarone I, Takebayashi T, Yamaguchi N, Woodward A, Cook A, Pearce N, Tynes T, Klaeboe L, Blaasaas KG, Feychting M, Lonn S, Ahlbom A, McKinney PA, Hepworth SJ, Muir KR, Swerdlow AJ, Schoemaker MJ. Acoustic neuroma risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE International case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol 2011; 35: 453-464.
89. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Mandelzweig L, Nahon D, Freedman L, Susser E, Gross R. Childhood exposure to ionizing radiation to the head and risk of schizophrenia. Radiat Res 2011; 176: 670-677. (The article was selected for the November 2011 issue of the Radiation Research Podcast – an interview with the authors was recorded)
90. Shete S, Lau CC, Houlston RS, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Lai R, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Bernstein JL, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Yang P, Vick NA, Wrensch M, Davis FG, McCarthy BJ, Leung EH, Davis C, Cheng R, Hosking FJ, Armstrong GN, Liu Y, Yu RK, Henriksson R; Gliogene Consortium, Melin BS, Bondy ML. Genome-wide high-density SNP linkage search for glioma susceptibility loci: results from the Gliogene Consortium. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 7568-7575.
91. Bolton KL, Chenevix-Trench G, Goh C, Sadetzki S, Ramus SJ, Karlan BY, Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Barrowdale D, McGuffog L, Healey S, Easton DF, Sinilnikova O, Benítez J, García M, Neuhausen S, Gail MH, Hartge P, EMBRACE study team, Peock S, Frost D, Evans DG, Eeles R, Godwin AK, Daly MB, Kwong A, Ma ESK, Lázaro C, Blanco I, Montagna M, D'Andrea E, Nicoletto O, kConFab Investigators, Johnatty SE, Krüger Kjær S, Jensen A, Høgdall E, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Loud JT, Greene MH, Mai PL, Chetrit A, Lubin F, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Glendon G, Andrulis IL, Toland AE, Senter L, Gore ME, Gourley C, Michie CO, Song H, Tyrer J, Whittemore AS, McGuire V, Sieh W, Kristoffersson U, Olsson H, Borg A, Levine DA, Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, Steele L, Beattie MS, Chan S, Nussbaum R, Moysich KB, Gross J, Cass I, Walsh C, Li AJ, Leuchter R, Gordon O, Garcia-Closas M, Gayther SA, Chanock SJ, Antoniou AC, Pharoah PDP. Association between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and survival in women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer. JAMA 2012; 307: 382-390.
92. Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer and body size: individual participant meta-analysis including 25,157 women with ovarian cancer from 47 epidemiological studies. PLoS Med 2012; 9 (4):e1001200.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer and a member of the steering committee)
93. Menczer J, Chetrit A, Sadetzki S and for the National Israel Ovarian Cancer Group. The effect of hysterectomy on survival of patients with borderline ovarian tumors. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 125: 372-5.
94. Liu Y, Melin BS, Rajaraman P, Wang Z, Linet M, Shete S, Amos CI, Lau CC, Scheurer ME, Tsavachidis S, Armstrong GN, Houlston RS, Hosking FJ, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Lai R, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Bernstein JL, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Lachance D, Vick NA, Wrensch M, Davis F, McCarthy BJ, Andersson U, Thompson PA, Chanock S; The Gliogene Consortium, Bondy ML. Insight in glioma susceptibility through an analysis of 6p22.3, 12p13.33-12.1, 17q22-23.2 and 18q23 SNP genotypes in familial and non-familial glioma. Hum Genet 2012; 131: 1507-17.
95. Azizi E, Pavlotsky F, Kudish A, Flint P, Solomon A, Lerman Y, Oberman B, Sadetzki S. Serum levels of 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D3 among sun-protected outdoor workers in Israel. . Photochem Photobiol 2012; 88: 1507-1512.
96. Veiga LH, Lubin JH, Anderson H, de Vathaire F, Tucker M, Bhatti P, Schneider A, Johansson R, Inskip P, Kleinerman R, Shore R, Pottern L, Holmberg E, Hawkins MM, Adams MJ, Sadetzki S, Lundell M, Sakata R, Damber L, Neta G, Ron E. A pooled analysis of thyroid cancer incidence following radiotherapy for childhood cancer. Radiat Res 2012; 178: 365-376.
97. Lidar M, Yonath H, Shechter N, Sikron F, Sadetzki S, Langevitz P, Livneh A, Pras E. Incomplete response to colchicine in M694V homozygote FMF patients. Autoimmun Rev 2012; 12: 72-6.
98. Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer and smoking: individual participant meta-analysis including 28,114 women with ovarian cancer from 51 epidemiological studies. Lancet Oncol 2012; 13: 946-956.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer and a member of the steering committee)
99. Sun X, Vengoechea J, Elston R, Chen Y, Amos C, Armstrong G, Bernstein J, Claus E, Davis F, Houlston R, Il'yasova D, Jenkins R, Johansen C, Lai R, Lau C, Liu Y, McCarthy B, Olson S, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut J, Shete S, Yu R, Vick N, Merrell R, Wrensch M, Yang P, Melin B, Bondy M, Barnholtz-Sloan J. A variable age of onset segregation model for linkage analysis with correction for ascertainment applied to glioma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2012; 21: 2242-2251.
100. Shimoni A, Shem-Tov N, Chetrit A, Volchek Y, Tallis E, Avigdor A, Sadetzki S, Yerushalmi R, Nagler A. Secondary malignancies after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation in the era of reduced-intensity conditioning; the incidence is not reduced. Leukemia 2013; 27: 829-35.
101. Sadetzki S, Bruchim R, Oberman B, Armstrong GN, Lau CC, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Shete S, Amos CI, Bernstein JL, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Lachance D, Vick NA, Merrell R, Wrensch M, Davis FG, McCarthy BJ, Lai R, Melin BS, Bondy ML; Gliogene Consortium. Description of selected characteristics of familial glioma patients - Results from the Gliogene Consortium. Eur J Cancer 2013; 49: 1335-1345.
102. Turner MC, Krewski D, Armstrong B, Chetrit A, Giles G, Hours M, McBride ML, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Siemiatycki J, Woodward A, Cardis E. Allergy and Brain Tumors in the INTERPHONE study: Pooled Results from Australia, Canada, France, Israel, and New Zealand. Cancer Causes Control 2013; 24: 949-60.
103. Halshtok Neiman O, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Raskin S, Yaniv G, Hoffmann C. Perfusion-weighted imaging of peritumoral edema can help in the differential diagnosis of glioblastoma mulltiforme versus brain metastasis. Isr Med Assoc J 2013; 15: 103-5.
104. van Tongeren M, Kincl L, Richardson L, Benke G, Figuerola J, Kauppinen T, Lakhani R, Lavoué J, McLean D, Plato N, Cardis E. Assessing occupational exposure to chemicals in an international epidemiological study of brain tumours. Ann Occup Hyg 2013; 57: 610-26.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the INTEROCC Study Group, PI of the Israeli Group and a member of the steering committee)
105. Rotenstreich Y, Belkin M, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Ferman-Attar G, Harari A, Shaish A, Harats D. Treatment with 9-cis β-Carotene-rich powder in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013; 131: 985-992.
Editorial: Mark E. Pennesi. A little algae a day keeps the retinal degeneration specialist away? Jama Ophthalmol 2013; 131: 983-984.
106. Lacourt A, Cardis E, Pintos J, Richardson L, Kincl L, Benke G, Fleming S, Hours M, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Lavoue J, Van Tongeren M, Siemiatycki J. INTEROCC case-control study: lack of association between glioma tumors and occupational exposure to selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents. BMC Public Health 2013; 13: 340.
107. Sadot E, Wasserberg N, Shapiro R, Keidar A, Oberman B, Sadetzki S. Acute Appendicitis in the 21st century: should we modify the management protocol? J Gastrointest Surg 2013, 17: 1462-1470.
108. Gabbay U, Leshukovits Y, Sadetzki S. Immigrants' mortality patterns in the short - and long-term point toward origin related diversities: the Israeli experience. J Immigr Minor Health 2014; 16: 35-43.
109. McLean D, Fleming S, Turner MC, Kincl L, Richardson L, Benke G, Schlehofer B, Schlaefer K, Parent ME, Hours M, Krewski D, van Tongeren M, Sadetzki S, Siemiatycki J, Cardis E. Occupational solvent exposure and risk of meningioma: results from the INTEROCC multicentre case-control study. Occup Environ Med 2014; 71: 253-8.
110. Andersson U, Wibom C, Cederquist K, Aradottir S, Borg Å, Armstrong GN, Shete S, Lau CC, Bainbridge MN, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Lai R, Il'yasova D, Houlston RS, Schildkraut J, Bernstein JL, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Lachance DH, Wrensch M, Davis FG, Merrell R, Johansen C, Sadetzki S, The Gliogene Consortium, Bondy ML, Melin BS. Germline rearrangements in families with strong family history of glioma and malignant melanoma, colon and breast cancer. Neuro Oncol 2014; 16: 1333-1340.
111. Ben-Ami E, Merom H, Sikron F, Livneh J, Sadetzki S, Wolf I. Involvement of the family physician in the care of the chemotherapy-treated patients with cancer: patients' perspectives. J Oncol Pract 2014; 10: 298-305.
112. Turner MC, Benke G, Bowman J, Figuerola J, Fleming S, Hours M, Kincl L, Krewski D, Lavoue J, McLean D, Parent ME, Richardson L, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Siemiatycki J, van Tongeren M, Cardis E. Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and brain tumour risks in the INTEROCC study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23: 1863-1872.
113. Sadetzki S, Langer CE, Bruchim R, Kundi M, Merletti F, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Lee AK, Maslanyj M, Sim MR, Taki M, Wiart J, Armstrong B, Milne E, Benke G, Schattner R, Hutter HP, Woehrer A, Krewski D, Mohipp C, Momoli F, Ritvo P, Spinelli J, Lacour B, Delmas D, Remen T, Radon K, Weinmann T, Klostermann S, Heinrich S, Petridou E, Bouka E, Panagopoulou P, Dikshit R, Nagrani R, Even-Nir H, Chetrit A, Maule M, Migliore E, Filippini G, Miligi L, Mattioli S, Yamaguchi N, Kojimahara N, Ha M, Choi KH, Mannetje A, Eng A, Woodward A, Carretero G, Alguacil J, Aragones N, Suare-Varela MM, Goedhart G, Schouten-van Meeteren AA, Reedijk AA, Cardis E. The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges in Assessing Childhood and Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologies and Possible Association with Brain Tumor Risk. Front Public Health 2014 Sep 23; 2: 124.
114. Bainbridge MN, Armstrong GN, Gramatges MM, Bertuch AA, Jhangiani SN, Doddapaneni H, Lewis L, Tombrello J, Tsavachidis S, Liu Y, Jalali A, Plon SE, Lau CC, Parsons DW, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Lachance D, Olson SH, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Wrensch MR, Walsh KM, Davis FG, Lai R, Shete S, Aldape K, Amos CI, Thompson PA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Melin BS, Bondy ML; Gliogene Consortium. Germline mutations in shelterin complex genes are associated with familial glioma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 107: 384
115. Candido-dos-Reis FJ, Song H, Goode EL, Cunningham JM, Fridley BL, Larson M, Alsop K, Dicks E, Harrington P, Ramus SJ, DeFazio A, Mitchell G, Fereday S, Bolton KL, Gourley C, Michie C, Karlan B, Lester J, Walsh C, Cass I, Olsson HL, Gore ME, Benitez J, García MJ, Andrulis I, Mulligan AM, Glendon G, Blanco I, Lazaro C, Whittemore AC, McGuire V, Sieh W, Montagna M, Alducci E, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Kwong A, Kjaer SK, Jensen A, Høgdall E, Neuhausen S, Nussbaum R, Daly MB, Greene MH, Mai PL, Loud JT, Moysich K, Toland AE, Lambrechts D, Ellis S, Frost D, Brenton JD, Tischkowitz M, Easton DF, Antoniou A, Chenevix-Trench G, Gayther SA, Bowtell DD, and Pharoah PDP. Germline mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 and ten-year survival for women diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2015; 21: 652-657.
116. Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer. Menopausal hormone use and ovarian cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of 52 epidemiological studies. Lancet 2015; 385: 1835-42.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer and a member of the steering committee)
117. Jalali A, Amirian ES, Bainbridge MN, Armstrong GN, Liu Y, Tsavachidis S, Jhangiani SN, Plon SE, Lau CC, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Lachance D, Olson SH, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Wrensch MR, Davis FG, Lai R, Shete S, Aldape K, Amos CI, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Melin BS, Bondy ML. Targeted sequencing in chromosome 17q linkage region identifies familial glioma candidates in the Gliogene Consortium. Sci Rep 2015 Feb 5; 5: 8278.
118. Perri T, Lifshitz D, Sadetzki S, Oberman B, Meirow D, Ben-Baruch G; Fridman E; Korach J. Fertility treatments and invasive epithelial ovarian cancer risk in Jewish Israeli BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Fertil Steril 2015; 103: 1305-1312.
119. Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies on Endometrial Cancer. Endometrial cancer and oral contraceptives: an individual participant meta-analysis of 27 276 women with endometrial cancer from 36 epidemiological studies. Lancet Oncol 2015; 16: 1061-70.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies on Endometrial Cancer and a member of the advisory committee)
120. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Amitai T, Sgan-Cohen H, Mann J, Even-Nir H, Vered Y. Long term effects of exposure to ionizing irradiation on periodontal health status – The Tinea Capitis Cohort Study. Front Public Health 2015 Oct 19; 3: 226.
121. Vila J, Bowman JD, Richardson L, Kincl L, Conover DL, McLean D, Mann S, Vecchia P, van Tongeren M, Cardis E, on behalf of the INTEROCC Study Group. A source-based measurement database for occupational exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields in the INTEROCC study: A literature review approach. Ann Occup Hyg 2016; 60: 184-204.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the INTEROCC Study Group, PI of the Israeli Group and a member of the steering committee)
122. Amirian ES, Armstrong GN, Zhou R, Lau CC, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Lachance D, Olson SH, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Wrensch MR, Davis FG, Lai R, Shete S, Amos CI, Scheurer ME, Aldape K, Alafuzoff I, Brännström T, Broholm H, Collins P, Giannini C, Rosenblum M, Tihan T, Melin BS, and Bondy ML. The glioma international case-control study: a report from the genetic epidemiology of glioma international consortium. Am J Epidemiol 2016; 183: 85-91.
Invited commentary: Sophia S. Wang and James V. Lacey, Jr. E pluribus unum for epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 2016; 183: 92-4.
Response to invited commentary: Melin and Bondy respond to "e pluribus unum for epidemiology". Beatrice S. Melin and Melissa L. Bondy for the Genetic Epidemiology of Glioma International. Am J Epidemiol 2016; 183: 95.
123. Mandelzweig L, Chetrit A, Amitai T, Oberman B, Siegelmann Danieli N, Silverman B, Sadetzki S. Identification of health care needs of long-term breast cancer survivors among Israeli women. Support Care Cancer 2016; 24: 737-46.
124. Amirian ES, Zhou R, Wrensch MR, Olson SH, Scheurer ME, Il'yasova D, Lachance D, Armstrong GN, McCoy LS, Lau CC, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Schildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Davis FG, Lai R, Shete S, Amos CI, Melin BS, and Bondy ML. Approaching a Scientific Consensus on the Association between Allergies and Glioma Risk: A Report from the Glioma International Case-Control Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016; 25: 282-290.
125. Vered Y, Chetrit A, Amitai T, Sgan-Cohen H, Mann J, Even-Nir H, Sadetzki S. Caries experience among adults exposed to low to moderate doses of ionizing radiation in childhood – the Tinea Capitis cohort. Front Public Health 2016 Feb 23; 4: 18.
126. Amirian ES, Scheurer M, Zhou R, Wrensch M, Armstrong GN, Lachance D, Olson SH, Lau CC, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Jenkins RB, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Davis FG, Lai R, Shete S, Amos CI, Melin BS, Bondy ML. History of chickenpox in glioma risk: a report from the glioma international case-control study (GICC). Cancer Med 2016; 5: 1352-8.
127. Veiga LHS, Holmberg E, Anderson H, Pottern L, Sadetzki S, MJ Adams, Sakata R, Schneider AB, Inskip P, Bhatti P, Johansson R, Neta G, Shore R, de Vathaire F, Damber L, Kleinerman R, Hawkins MM, Tucker M, Lundell M, Lubin JH. Thyroid cancer after childhood exposure to external radiation: an updated pooled analysis of 12 studies. Radiat Res 2016; 185: 473-484.
128. Wang Y, Bernhardy AJ, Cruz C, Krais JJ, Nacson J, Nicolas E, Peri S, van der Gulden H, van der Heijden I, O'Brien SW, Zhang Y, Harrell MI, Johnson SF, Candido Dos Reis FJ, Pharoah PD, Karlan B, Gourley C, Lambrechts D, Chenevix-Trench G, Olsson H, Benitez JJ, Greene MH, Gore M, Nussbaum R, Sadetzki S, Gayther SA, Kjaer SK; kConFab Investigators, D'Andrea AD, Shapiro GI, Wiest DL, Connolly DC, Daly MB, Swisher EM, Bouwman P, Jonkers J, Balmaña J, Serra V, Johnson N. The BRCA1-Δ11q alternative splice isoform bypasses germline mutations and promotes therapeutic resistance to PARP inhibition and cisplatin. Cancer Res 2016; 76: 2778-90.
129. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Turner MC, van Tongeren M, Benke G, Figuerola J, Fleming S, Hours M, Kincl L, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent ME, Richardson L, Schlehofer B, Schlaefer K, Blettner M, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, Cardis E. Occupational exposure to metals and risk for meningioma – a multinational case-control study. J Neurooncol 2016; 130: 505-515.
130. Grell K, Frederiksen K, Schüz J, Cardis E, Armstrong B, Siemiatycki J, Krewski DR, McBride ML, Johansen C, Auvinen A, Hours M, Blettner M, Sadetzki S, Lagorio S, Yamaguchi N, Woodward A, Tynes T, Feychting M, Fleming SJ, Swerdlow AJ, Andersen PK. The intracranial distribution of gliomas in relation to exposure from mobile phones: analyses from the Interphone Study. Am J Epidemiol 2016; 184: 818-828.
131. Turner MC, Sadetzki S, Langer CE, Villegas R, Figuerola J, Armstrong BK, Chetrit A, Giles GG, Krewski D, Hours M, McBride ML, Parent ME, Richardson L, Siemiatycki J, Woodward A, Cardis E. Investigation of bias related to differences between case and control interview dates in five INTERPHONE countries. Ann Epidemiol 2016; 26: 827-832.
132. Lubin JH, Adams MJ, Shore R, Holmberg E, Schneider AB, Hawkins MM, Robison LL, Inskip PD, Lundell M, Johansson R, Kleinerman RA, de Vathaire F, Damber L, Sadetzki S, Tucker M, Sakata R, Veiga LH. Thyroid cancer following childhood low dose radiation exposure: a pooled analysis of nine cohorts. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017; 102: 2575-2583.
133. Mandelzweig L, Chetrit A, Amitai T, Silverman B, Siegelmann- Danieli N, Sadetzki S. Primary prevention and screening practices among long-term breast cancer survivors Cancer Causes Control 2017; 28: 657-666.
134. Turner MC, Benke G, Bowman JD, Figuerola J, Fleming S, Hours M, Kincl L, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent ME, Richardson L, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, Tongeren MV, Cardis E. Interactions between occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and chemicals for brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study. Occup Environ Med 2017; 74: 802-809.
135. Langer CE, de Llobet P, Dalmau A, Wiart J, Goedhart G, Hours M, Benke GP, Bouka E, Bruchim R, Choi KH, Eng A, Ha M, Karalexi M, Kiyohara K, Kojimahara N, Krewski D, Kromhout H, Lacour B, 't Mannetje A, Maule M, Migliore E, Mohipp C, Momoli F, Petridou E, Radon K, Remen T, Sadetzki S, Sim MR, Weinmann T, Vermeulen R, Cardis E, Vrijheid M. Patterns of cellular phone use among young people in 12 countries: Implications for RF exposure. Environ Int 2017; 107: 65-74.
136. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Freedman LS, Hakak N, Barchana M, Catane R, Shani M. Cancer Risk among Holocaust Survivors in Israel - A Nationwide Study. Cancer 2017; 123: 3335-33345. Editorial: Thompson B, Gehlert S, Paskett ED. Extreme population-level events: Do they have an impact on cancer? Cancer 2017; 123: 3226-3228.
137. Parent ME, Turner MC, Lavoué J, Richard H, Figuerola J, Kincl L, Richardson L, Benke G, Blettner M, Fleming S, Hours M, Krewski D, McLean D, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, van Tongeren M, Cardis E. Lifetime occupational exposure to metals and welding fumes, and risk of glioma: a 7-country population-based case-control study. Environ Health 2017; 16: 90.
138. Benke G, Turner MC, Fleming S, Figuerola J, Kincl L, Richardson L, Blettner M, Hours M, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Siemiatycki J, van Tongeren M, Cardis E. Occupational solvent exposure and risk of glioma in the INTEROCC study. Br J Cancer 2017; 117: 1246-1254.
139. McElvenny DM, van Tongeren M, Turner MC, Benke G, Figuerola J, Fleming S, Hours M, Kincl L, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent M-E, Richardson L, Schlehofer B, Schlaefer K, Sadetzki S, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, Cardis E. The INTEROCC case-control study: Risk of meningioma and occupational exposure to selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents. Occup Environ Med 2018; 75: 12-22.
140. Dankner R, Gabbay U, Leibovici L, Sadeh M, Sadetzki S. Implementation of a competency-based medical education approach in public health and epidemiology training of medical students. Isr J Health Policy Res 2018; 7: 13.
141. Berntsson SG, Merrell RT, Amirian ES, Armstrong GN, Lachance D, Smits A, Zhou R, Jacobs DI, Wrensch MR, Olson SH, Il'yasova D, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Schildkraut J, Sadetzki S, Johansen C, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Bernstein JL, Lai R, Shete S, Amos CI, Bondy ML, Melin BS. Glioma-related seizures in relation to histopathological subtypes: a report from the glioma international case-control study. J Neurol 2018; 265: 1432-1442.
142. Goedhart G, van Wel L, Langer CE, de Llobet Viladoms P, Wiart J, Hours M, Kromhout H, Benke G, Bouka E, Bruchim R, Choi KH, Eng A, Ha M, Huss A, Kiyohara K, Kojimahara N, Krewski D, Lacour B, 't Mannetje A, Maule M, Migliore E, Mohipp C, Momoli F, Petridou ET, Radon K, Remen T, Sadetzki S, Sim M, Weinmann T, Cardis E, Vrijheid M, Vermeulen R. Recall of mobile phone usage and laterality in young people: The multinational Mobi-Expo study. Environ Res 2018; 165: 150-157.
143. Ostrom Q, Kinnersley B, Wrensch M, Eckel-Passow JE, Armstrong G, Rice T, Chen Y, Wiencke JK, McCoy LS, Hansen HM, Amos CI, Bernstein JL, Claus EB, Il'yasova D, Johansen C, Lachance DH, Lai RK, Merrell RT, Olson SH, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut JM, Shete S, Rubin JB, Lathia JD, Berens ME, Andersson U, Rajaraman P, Chanock SJ, Linet MS, Wang Z, Yeager M, GliomaScan consortium, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Melin B, Bondy ML, Barnholtz-Sloan JS. Sex-specific glioma genome-wide association study identifies new risk locus at 3p21.31 in females, and finds sex-differences in risk at 8q24.21. Sci Rep 2018; 8: 7352.
144. Vila J, Turner MC, Gracia-Lavedan E, Figuerola J, Bowman JD, Kincl L, Richardson L, Benke G, Hours M, Krewski D, McLean D, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Schlaefer K, Schlehofer B, Schüz J, Siemiatycki J, van Tongeren M, Cardis E, INTEROCC Study Group. Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach. Environ Int 2018; 119: 353-365.
Authors' response to the Comments from S. M. J. Mortazavi regarding: "Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach". Environ Int 2018; 121: 1025-1026.
145. Little MP, Wakeford R, Borrego D, French B, Zablotska LB, Adams MJ, Allodji R, de Vathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Pearce MS, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, Sadetzki S, Linet MS, Berrington de González A. Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohorts studies. Lancet Haematol 2018; 5: e346-e358.
146. Ostrom QT, Kinnersley B, Armstrong G, Rice T, Chen Y, Wiencke JK, McCoy LS, Hansen HM, Amos CI, Bernstein JL, Claus EB, Eckel-Passow JE, Il'yasova D, Johansen C, Lachance DH, Lai RK, Merrell RT, Olson SH, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut JM, Shete S, Rubin JB, Andersson U, Rajaraman P, Chanock SJ, Linet MS, Wang Z, Yeager M; GliomaScan consortium, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Wrensch MR, Melin B, Bondy ML, Barnholtz-Sloan JS. Age-specific genome-wide association study in glioblastoma identifies increased proportion of 'lower grade glioma'-like features associated with younger age. Int J Cancer 2018; 143: 2359-2366.
147. Deltour I, Schlehofer B, Klaus S, Massardier-Pilonchéry A, Armstrong B, Giles G, Siemiatycki J, Parent ME, Krewski D, Mc Bride M, Johansen C, Christensen HC, Auvinen A, Salminen T, Hours M, Blettner M, Berg G, Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Lagorio S, Iavarone I, Yamaguchi N, Takebayashi T, Tynes T, Klaeboe L, Woodward A, Cook A, Feychting M, Lonn S, Swerdlow T, Schoemaker M, Mc Kinney T, Fleming S, Moissonnier M, Kesminiene A, Cardis E, Schüz J. Exposure to loud noise and risk of vestibular schwannoma: results from the INTERPHONE international case‒control study. Scand J Work Environ Health 2019; 45: 183-193.
148. Amirian ES, Ostrom QT, Armstrong GN, Lai RK, Gu X, Jacobs DI, Jalali A, Claus EB, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Il'yasova D, Schildkraut JM, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Jenkins RB, LaChance DH, Olson SH, Bernstein JL, Merrell RT, Wrensch MR, Johansen C, Houlston RS18, Scheurer ME, Shete S, Amos CI, Melin B, Bondy ML. Aspirin, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), and Glioma Risk: Original Data from the Glioma International Case-Control Study and a Meta-Analysis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2019; 28: 555-562.
149. Ostrom QT, Coleman W, Huang W, Rubin JB, Lathia JD, Berens ME, Speyer G, Liao P, Wrensch MR, Eckel-Passow JE, Armstrong G, Rice T, Wiencke JK, McCoy LS, Hansen HM, Amos CI, Bernstein JL, Claus EB, Houlston RS, Il'yasova D, Jenkins RB, Johansen C, Lachance DH, Lai RK, Merrell RT, Olson SH, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut JM, Shete S, Andersson U, Rajaraman P, Chanock SJ, Linet MS, Wang Z, Yeager M; GliomaScan consortium, Melin B, Bondy ML, Barnholtz-Sloan JS. Sex-specific gene and pathway modeling of inherited glioma risk. Neuro Oncol 2019; 21: 71-82.
150. Turner MC, Gracia-Lavedan E, Momoli F, Langer CE, Castaño-Vinyals G, Kundi M, Maule M, Merletti F, Sadetzki S, Vermeulen R, Albert A, Alguacil J, Aragones N, Badia F, Bruchim R, Carretero G, Kojimahara N, Lacour B, Morales-Suarez-Varela M, Radon K, Remen T, Weinmann T, Yamaguchi N, Cardis E. Nonparticipation Selection Bias in the MOBI-Kids Study. Epidemiology 2019; 30: 145-153.
151. Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Mandelzweig L, Novikov I, Bar-Yosef N, Livneh I, Oren M, Waysberg R, Sadetzki S. Mobile Phone-Use Habits Among Adolescents: Predictors of Intensive Use. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2019; 22: 212-219.
152. Lavie O, Chetrit A, Novikov I, Sadetzki S; National Israeli Study of Ovarian Cancer. Fifteen-year survival of invasive epithelial ovarian cancer in women with BRCA1/2 mutations - the National Israeli Study of Ovarian Cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2019; 153: 320-325.
153. Sjöberg RL, Wu WY, Dahlin AM, Tsavachidis S, Gliogene Group, Bondy ML, Melin B. Role of monoamine-oxidase-A-gene variation in the development of glioblastoma in males: a case control study. J Neurooncol 2019; 145: 287-294.
(Prof. Sadetzki is part of the GLIOGENE Consortium and the PI of the Israeli Group)
154. Ostrom QT, Egan KM, Nabors LB, Gerke T, Thompson RC, Olson JJ, LaRocca R, Chowdhary S, Eckel-Passow JE, Armstrong G, Wiencke JK, Bernstein JL, Claus EB, Il'yasova D, Johansen C, Lachance DH, Lai RK, Merrell RT, Olson SH, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut JM, Shete S, Houlston RS, Jenkins RB, Wrensch MR, Melin B, Amos CI, Huse JT, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Bondy ML. Glioma risk associated with extent of estimated European genetic ancestry in African Americans and Hispanics. Int J Cancer 2020; 146: 739-748.
155. Zumel-Marne A, Kundi M, Castaño-Vinyals G, Alguacil J, Petridou ET, Georgakis MK, Morales-Suárez-Varela M, Sadetzki S, Piro S, Nagrani R, Filippini G, Hutter HP, Dikshit R, Woehrer A, Maule M, Weinmann T, Krewski D, T Mannetje A, Momoli F, Lacour B, Mattioli S, Spinelli JJ, Ritvo P, Remen T, Kojimahara N, Eng A, Thurston A, Lim H, Ha M, Yamaguchi N, Mohipp C, Bouka E, Eastman C, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Cardis E. Clinical presentation of young people (10-24 years old) with brain tumors: results from the international MOBI-Kids study. J Neurooncol 2020; 147: 427-440.
156. Pasqual E, Castaño-Vinyals G, Thierry-Chef I, Kojimahara N, Sim MR, Kundi M, Krewski D, Momoli F, Lacour B, Remen T, Radon K, Weinmann T, Petridou E, Moschovi M, Dikshit R, Sadetski S, Maule M, Farinotti M, Ha M, ’tMannetje A, Alguacil J, Aragonés N, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Cardis E. Exposure to medical radiation during fetal life, childhood and adolescence and risk of brain tumor in young age: results from The MOBI-Kids Case-Control Study. Neuroepidemiology 2020; 54: 343-355.
157. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Boursi B, Luxenburg O, Novikov I, Cohen A. Childhood exposure to low-moderate doses of ionizing radiation and the risk of vascular diseases –The Tinea Capitis Study. Am J Epidemiol 2021; 190: 423-430.
158. Afek A, Leshem E, Kaliner E, Fast D, Sadetzki S. Upholding democracy in a global pandemic: the Israeli elections experience. J Travel Med 2020;27(7):taaa162.
159. Chetrit A, Ben-Avraham S, Mandelzweig L, Amitai T, Siegelmann Danieli N, Silverman B, Sadetzki S. Breast cancer survivors: physical and mental quality of life 10 years following diagnosis, a case control study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2021; 188: 273-282.
160. Reicher S, Ratzon R, Ben-Sahar S, Hermoni-Alon S, Mossinson D, Shenhar Y, Friger M, Lustig Y, Alroy-Preis S, Anis E, Sadetzki S, Kaliner E. Nationwide seroprevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Israel. Eur J Epidemiol 2021; 36: 727-734.
161. Little MP, Wakeford R, Zablotska LB, Borrego D, Griffin KT, Allodji RS, de Vathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Sadetzki S, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, Adams MJ, French B, Linet MS, de González AB. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma in cohorts of persons exposed to ionising radiation at a young age. Leukemia 2021; 35: 2906-2916.
162. Ostrom QT, Edelson J, Byun J, Han Y, Kinnersley B, Melin B, Houlston RS, Monje M; GLIOGENE Consortium, Walsh KM, Amos CI, Bondy ML. Partitioned glioma heritability shows subtype-specific enrichment in immune cells. Neuro Oncol 2021; 23: 1304-1314. (Prof. Sadetzki is part of the GLIOGENE Consortium and the PI of the Israeli Group)
163. Anis E, Haas EJ, Indenbaum V, Singer SR, Warshavsky B, Rishpon S, Green MS, Mendelson E, Grotto I, Kaliner E, Sadetzki S. A prolonged, nationwide measles outbreak despite very high vaccination coverage in Israel, 2018-19. J Infect 2021; 83: 678-685.
164. Auvinen A, Cardis E, Blettner M, Moissonnier M, Sadetzki S, Giles G, Johansen C, Swerdlow A, Cook A, Fleming S, Berg-Beckhoff G, Iavarone I, Parent M-E, Woodward A, Tynes T, McBride M, Krewski D, Feyching M, Takebayashi T, Armstrong B, Hours M, Siemiatycki J, Lagorio S, Larsen SB, Schoemaker M, Klaeboe L, Lönn S, Schüz J, and the INTERPHONE study group. Diagnostic radiological examinations and risk of intracranial tumours in adults-findings from the Interphone Study. Int J Epidemiol 2021 Oct 14.
165. Lerner-Geva L, Chetrit A, Lubin F, Sadezki S, for the National Israel Ovarian Cancer Study Group. Subfertility, use of fertility treatments and BRCA mutation status and the risk of ovarian cancer. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2022 Jan 18 (Online ahead of print).
166. Castaño-Vinyals G, Sadetzki S, Vermeulen R, Momoli F, Kundi M, Merletti F, Maslanyj M, Calderon C, Wiart J, Lee AK, Taki M, Sim M, Armstrong B, Benke G, Schattner R, Hutter HP, Krewski D, Mohipp C, Ritvo P, Spinelli J, Lacour B, Remen T, Radon K, Weinmann T, Petridou ET, Moschovi M, Pourtsidis A, Oikonomou K, Kanavidis P, Bouka E, Dikshit R, Nagrani R, Chetrit A, Bruchim R, Maule M, Migliore E, Filippini G, Miligi L, Mattioli S, Kojimahara N, Yamaguchi N, Ha M, Choi K, Kromhout H, Goedhart G, 't Mannetje A, Eng A, Langer CE, Alguacil J, Aragonés N, Morales-Suárez-Varela M, Badia F, Albert A, Carretero G, Cardis E. Wireless phone use in childhood and adolescence and neuroepithelial brain tumours: Results from the international MOBI-Kids study. Environ Int. 2022 Feb;160:107069.
167. Pemov A, Kim J, Jones K, Vogt A, Sadetzki S, Stewart DR. Examination of genetic susceptibility in radiation-associated meningioma. Radiat Res. 2022 Jul 1;198(1):81-88.

Review articles published
168. Modugno F. for the Ovarian Cancer and High-Risk Women Symposium Presenters, School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Ovarian cancer and high –risk women: implications of prevention, screening, and early detection. Gynecol Oncol 2003; 91: 15-31.
169. Leventhal A, Karsenty E, Sadetzki S. Cellualr phones and public health. Harefuah 2004; 143: 614-618.
170. Wolf I, Catane R, Sadetzki S, Karasik A, Kaufman B. Diabetes mellitus and breast cancer. Lancet Oncol 2005; 6: 103-111.
171. Sadetzki S, Flint-Richter P. Transgenerational effects of parental exposure to ionizing radiation. Harefuah 2006; 145: 516-521.

Invited review
172. Sadetzki S, Mandelzweig L. Childhood exposure to external ionizing radiation and cancer risk. Br J Cancer 2009; 100: 1021-1025.

173. Sadetzki S. Excess lifetime cancer mortality risk attributed to radiation exposure from pediatric computed tomography scan. IMAJ 2007; 9: 607-609.
174. Cardis E and Sadetzki S. Indications of possible brain tumour risk in mobile phone studies – should we be concerned? Occup Environ Med 2011; 68:169-71. Invited Editoria

1. Modan B, Sadetzki S. Epidemiology of cancer of the female genital system. Bama, Publication for Health Workers. 1993;7:3-7.
2. Sadetzki S. Cellular communication use and development of cancer. Ministry of the Environment. January 2005. (http://www.sviva.gov.il/Enviroment/bin/en.jsp?enPage=BlankPage&enDisplay=view&enDispWhat=Object&enDispWho=Articals^l3387&enZone=science_bulletin)
3. Sadetzki S. Director General Statement concerning the Tinea Capitis Compensation Law (1994) - guidelines for follow-up and treatment of people who were irradiated for Tinea Capitis in childhood. November 2008.
4. Sadetzki S. The Israeli Ministry of Health guidelines for the use of cellular phones in adults and children. July 2008. http://www.health.gov.il/pages/default.asp?PageId=4408&catId=838&maincat=46
5. Melin B, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Wrensch MR, Johansen C, Il'yasova D, Kinnersley B, Ostrom QT, Labreche K, Chen Y, Armstrong G, Liu Y, Eckel-Passow JE, Decker PA, Labussière M, Idbaih A, Hoang-Xuan K, Di Stefano AL, Mokhtari K, Delattre JY, Broderick P, Galan P, Gousias K, Schramm J, Schoemaker MJ, Fleming SJ, Herms S, Heilmann S, Nöthen MM, Wichmann HE, Schreiber S, Swerdlow A, Lathrop M, Simon M, Sanson M, Andersson U, Rajaraman P, Chanock S, Linet M, Wang Z, Yeager M; GliomaScan Consortium, Wiencke JK, Hansen H, McCoy L, Rice T, Kosel ML, Sicotte H, Amos CI, Bernstein JL, Davis F, Lachance D, Lau C, Merrell RT, Shildkraut J, Ali-Osman F, Sadetzki S, Scheurer M, Shete S, Lai RK, Claus EB, Olson SH, Jenkins RB, Houlston RS, Bondy ML. Genome-wide association study of glioma subtypes identifies specific differences in genetic susceptibility to glioblastoma and non-glioblastoma. Nat Genet 2017; 49: 789-794. Letter
6. Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, Freedman LS. Reply to cancer risk among Holocaust survivors in Israel. Cancer 2017; 123: 4295-4296. Letter

1. Papa MZ & Sadetzki S. Regional Breast Cancer Treatment. In: Schlag PM, Stein U, eds. Regional Cancer Therapy. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2007 (p. 313-328).
2. Sadetzki S. Cancer Epidemiology. In: Y. Shoenfeld, Y Shemer and G. Keren, eds. The Israeli Medical Encyclopedia. Tel Aviv: Yediot books publication, 2007 (Vol. 7, p. 1558-1560).
3. Sadetzki S. Responsibility and accountability in preventive medicine – are we doing too much or too little? In: Rosen B, Israeli A and Shortell S, ed. Improving health and health care – who is responsible? Who is a countable? Ramat Gan: The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research, 2010 (p. 76-86).
4. Umansky F, Sadetzki S, Spektor S, Rosenthal G, Fraifeld S, Shoshan Y. Radiation-Induced Meningiomas. In: Pamir MN, Black P, Falbusch R, eds. Meningiomas: A Comprehensive Text. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc., 2010. (p. 79-97)
5. Il’yasova D, Davis F, Lai R, Dolecek T, Sadetzki S. Chemical exposures mediated through occupation, environment and Lifestyle, and brain tumor risk. In: Mehta MP, Chang S, Newton H, Guha A, Vogelbaum M, eds. Principles and Practice of Neuro-Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2011 (p. 18-25).
6. Sadetzki S, Mandelzweig L. Exposure to ionizing radiation and glioma risk. In: Mehta MP, Chang S, Newton H, Guha A, Vogelbaum M, eds. Principles and Practice of Neuro-Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2011 (p. 26-30).
7. Sadetzki S. Responsibility and accountability in preventive medicine – are we doing too much or too little? In: Rosen B, Israeli A and Shortell S, eds. Accountability and responsibility in health care: issues in addressing an emerging global challenge. World scientific series in global healthcare economics and public policy - Vol. 1. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, 2012 (p. 219-231).
8. Perry A, Louis DN, Budka H, von Deimling A, Sahm F, Rushing EJ, Mawrin C, Claus EB, Loeffler J, Sadetzki S. Meningioma. In: Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenee WK, eds. WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system. 4th ed. IARC Press, Lyon, 2016 (p. 232-237).
9. Shvarts S, Goran S, Tasik M, Shani M, Sadetzki S. UNICEF and the journey to exterminate the Tinea Capitis in Yugoslavia (Serbia) during the 50's of the 20th century. In: Shvarts S & Sadetzki S (Eds.). Ringworm. Historical, Medical and Social Aspects of its Treatment. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University, 2018 (p289-319).
10. Sadetzki S. Tinea Capitis Research in Israel – Part I (1965-1995) – think before you act. In: Shvarts S & Sadetzki S (Eds.). Ringworm. Historical, Medical and

1. Shvarts S & Sadetzki S (Eds.). Ringworm. Historical, Medical and Social Aspects of its Treatment. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University, 2018.

2. Svarts S and Sadetzki-Jackobson S. Ringworm and irradiation. The Historical, Medical, and Legal Implications of the forgotten epidemic. Oxford University Press, USA, 2022.

יצירת קשר

טלפון: 09-7750396
דוא”ל: siegals@mishpat.ac.il

* בשליחת טופס זה אני מאשר/ת לחזור אליי עם מידע נוסף בתחום הלימודים. עוד >> *הנני מאשר/ת לחזור אליי עם מידע נוסף בתחום הלימודים, ומסכים/ה כי המוסד יפנה אליי באמצעי הפרסום הדיגיטליים וכן בשיחת טלפון למספר הטלפון שלי במטרה להתקשר עמי בעסקה, גם אם מספר הטלפון שלי רשום במאגר להגבלת פניות שיווקיות של הרשות להגנת הצרכן, ומבלי שהסכמה זו תעיד על הסכמה מצדי לביצוע עסקה עם המוסד.

כניסת סטודנט כניסת מרצה