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Prof. Michal Tamir


Michal Tamir is an Associate Professor at the Academic Center of Law and Science, Israel, and an Adjunct Professor in the faculty of law school, Bar-Ilan University.  In 2020-2021 Academic year she will be a Visiting Professor affiliated with the Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies, Berkeley. In 2017-2019 she served as the President of the Israeli Law and Society Association (ILSA); In 2012-2013 she served as Tikvah Fellow-in-Residence, NYU School of Law; and in 2006-2007 as Global Research Fellow, Hauser Program, NYU School of Law. Prof. Tamir earned her LL.B from the University of Haifa, magna cum laude (Valedictorian); her LL.M from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, summa cum laude (Valedictorian) and her LL.D (JSD) from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Areas of Research

Law and Society; Administrative Law: Constitutional Law; Criminal Procedure law: Selective Enforcement
Prof. Tamir’s research focuses mainly in the area of law and society, and characterized by a holistic approach to public law and to its relations with public policy. Many of her studies are interdisciplinary, with a particular attention to human rights, especially the right to equality.


Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; Criminal Procedure law; Human Rights in Private Law; The State Comptroller; Tender Law; Law Enforcement Issues

Selected Publications


  1. Michal Tamir, Selective Enforcement (Nevo, 2008) (Hebrew) 581 pages
  2. Michal Tamir., The State Comptroller: A Critical Look (supervised by Mordechai Kremnitzer, 2009) (Hebrew) 180 pages

Articles – English

  1. Ariel L. Bendor & Michal Tamir, Prior Restraint in the Digital Age, 27 William & Mary Bill Of Rights Journal 1155-1181 (2019)
  2. Dana Pugach & Michal Tamir, Nudging the Criminal Justice System into Listening to Crime Victims in Plea Agreements, 28 Hastings Women's Law Journal 45-72 (2016-7
  3. Michal Tamir, The Declaration of Independence as a Transitional Constitution: The Case of Israel, 8 Middle East Law & Governance 57-89 (2016)
  4. Michal Tamir, The Freedom to Exclude: The Case of the Israeli Society, 49 Israel Law Review 237-266 (2016)
  5. Michal Tamir, Law and Yoga, 7 Journal of Law & Social Deviance 7 (2014) 1-77
  6. Ariel L. Bendor & Michal Tamir, The Reciprocal Engulfment of Law and Ethics in Israel: The Case of Appointments to Senior Positions, 23 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 229-260 (2014))
  7. Michal Tamir, Human Rights in Private Law: Hybridization of the Balancing Tests, in Israeli Constitutional Law in the Making 401-418 (Gideon Sapir, Daphne Barak-Erez & Aharon Barak eds. 2013)
  8. Michal Tamir & Amir Dahan, Side Judges: The Case of the Military Courts in Israel, 8 Socio-Legal Review 1-35 (2012)
  9. Michal Tamir & Dalia Cahana-Amitay, The Hebrew Language has not created a title for me': A Legal and Sociolinguistic Analysis of New-Type Families, 17 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law (2009) 545-600
  10. Michal Tamir, Public Law as a Whole and Normative Duality: Reclaiming Administrative Insights in Enforcement Review 12 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 43-99 (2006)
  11. Michal Tamir, Racial Profiling – Who is the Executioner and Does he have a Face?, 15 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law & Policy 71-91 (2009)

Articles - Hebrew

  1. Michal Tamir & Gershon Gontovnik, The Obligation to Give Detainees a Special Attitude Appropriate to the Assumption of Innocence: Another Look at the Terms of Detention in Israel Against International Law, Israel Journal for Law & Business (forthcoming)
  2. Michal Tamir & Dana Pugach, The Right to Violate Victims’ Rights – A Constitutional Review, 11 Tel Aviv University Journal of Law & Social Change 211-239 (2020)
  3. Michal Tamir, Personal Legislation – Selective Legislation, 12 Israeli Journal on Legislation 173-206 (2018)
  4. Michal Tamir & Gershon Gontovnik, The Challenge of the Bedouin Society in the Negev: Recognition of the Recognition Theory, in Law, Minority and National Conflict 429-478 (Raef Zreik & Ilan Saban eds., 2017)
  5. Michal Tamir, Alternatives to Detention – Are they Always Advantageous to Defendants, 17 University of Haifa Law & Government Journal 367-415 (2016)
  6. Michal Tamir, A Wrong Objection – On A Necessary Audit and a Redundant Objection to the Commission for Inspection of the State Prosecution, 7 Tel Aviv University Journal of Law & Social Change 203-223 (2015)
  7. Michal Tamir & Yoni Livni, A Plea Bargain is a Plea Bargain: Past, Present, Future, 6 The Israeli Journal on Legislation. 49-109 (2014)
  8. Ariel Bendor & Michal Tamir, The Reciprocal Engulfment of Law and Ethics in Appointments to Senior Positions 17 Israel Journal for Law & Business 409-445 (2014)
  9. Michal Tamir & Asaf Harel, On Human Dignity and Privatization, 41 Hebrew University Law Review 315-355 (2011)
  10. Hagai Winitzki & Michal Tamir, Concrete Distributive Justice In Private Law, 14 College of Management Academic Studies Division Law Review 469-511 (2011)
  11. Michal Tamir, Negligence and Deliberate Discriminate in the Context of Enforcement, 26 Bar-Ilan Law Studies 217257- (2010)
  12. Michal Tamir, The Law In Light of the Philosophy of Yoga: Initial Remarks On An Intersection of Fields, 8 Academic College of Law & Business Journal 279-316 (2010)
  13. Michal Tamir, Constitutionality and Reasonableness, 50 Israel Bar Journal 187-227 (2009)
  14. Michal Tamir, Sunk Costs and Stare Decises, 1 Haifa Law Review 211298- (2004)
  15. Ariel Bendor & Michal Tamir, Constitutional Cliches – Between Public Expressions and Private Dignity, 32 Hebrew U. L. Rev. 623667- (2002)
  16. Michal Tamir, Uncertainty as a Ground of Judicial Review, 5 University of Haifa Law & Government Journal 497550- (2000)
  17. Michal Tamir, Equality of Homosexuals and Lesbians, 45 Israel Bar Journal 94-127 (2000)

Entries in Encyclopedias – English

  1. Dana Pugach & Michal Tamir, Plea Bargains and Victims in Comparative Perspective entry, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (With Dana Pugach) https://oxfordre.com/criminology/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.001.0001/acrefore-9780190264079-e-686
  1. Michal Tamir, A Guide to Legal Research in Israel, Globalex,  https://www.nyulawglobal.org/globalex/Israel1.html (Nov/Dec 2019)

Honors & Awards

2021- Israel Institute fellowship in Berkeley

2012- The Tikvah Center for Law and Jewish Civilization fellowship Global Research Fellowship for the academic year 2005-06, Hauser Program, NYU School of Law (20,000$) 2005

2016- The David Weiner Center for Ethics and Professional Responsibility of Lawyers (Research Grant)

2009- The Minerva Center for Human Rights

יצירת קשר

טלפון: 09-7750329
דוא"ל: michalt@mishpat.ac.il

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