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Dr. Tehilla Beeri-Alon


Dr. Tehilla Beeri- Alon received her PhD from the Bar-Ilan faculty faculty of law.  She is a faculty member of the Academic Center for Law and Science.   She specializes in Jewish law and family law.  She is also a member of the Youth for Jewish Law Association, and a senior member of the Center for the Study and Teaching of Jewish Law.

Areas of Research

Jewish Law; Family Law


Jewish Law; Family Law; Legal Ethics; Contemporary Topics in Family Law; Landmark Court Decisions Throughout History

Selected Publications

Tehilla Alon The Required State of Mind to Establish Kiddushin in the Context of Conditional or Erroneous Marriage Claims Doctoral thesis (Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Law     2010

Tehilla Beeri-AlonA Solution to the “Mamzer” Problem Afforded by Recent Medical Advance: Revisiting the Issue in Light of It’s Fundamental Principle” Annual of Research in Jewish Law  26 (2009-2011) 43

 Tehilla Beeri-AlonWomen in Judicial Positions in the Rabbinical Court: A New Examination in the Light of the Decision of the High Court of Justice” The Family in Law 8 (2016-2017) 163

יצירת קשר

טלפון: 09-74500346
דוא"ל: tbe174@gmail.com

כניסת סטודנט כניסת מרצה